Buy Now Pay Later “BNPL” – AfterPay or ZipPay

With the opening of one of the new stores "OnioBtq" last week, we noticed that the AfterPay system is now on our doorstep so to speak. For those that have not come across it, AfterPay is a buy now, take the goods and pay later system. ie a $100 purchase will be paid...

Hope Valley Sports Club to get NEW LIGHTS

In the recent "Fund My Neighbourhood" round, the Hope Valley Sports Club was awarded the $50,000 required to upgrade its lighting. This along with a few other City of Tea Tree Gully projects has been given the green light by the State Government. The posting on the...

New Store now Open – “Happy Oasis”

We are pleased to announce that we will soon be welcoming a new business to the Hope Valley Plus community. Happy Oasis is the final stages of planning the much awaiting new store. After opening their Gawler store in May this year the Happy Oasis crew are ready to...

Movies at the Park2016

There is a free screening of Mr Peabody & Sherman on 5 February. Arrive early, share dinner on the park, then sit back, relax and enjoy the movie in the natural surrounds of Civic Park. The movie starts at around 8.30pm, depending on sunset time. Entertainment for...

Pancakes come to the Diner

The Diner's menu is always bringing up some great new items for all customers. Pancakes are now on offer and from what we hear, they are fast becoming a big hit.  There is nothing like a freshly made pancake and hot drink to start the day. No doubt there will be some...

L’indulgence opens new “Brow & Beauty Bar”

L’indulgence opens new “Brow & Beauty Bar”

  L’indulgence, one of South Australia’s leading hair and beauty salons, has joined the already well established list of local businesses at Hope Valley Plus. The management team at Hope Valley Plus is excited about the arrival of such a respected and successful...

Local Events

Hope Valley Plus is a proud supporter of local events. In case you have not heard, the Movies@thePark event is on again for 2015: Movies@thepark 2015 Enjoy a free outdoor cinema experience at Civic Park! Each movie starts around 8:30pm and refreshments will be...